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Make the Pro-Life Case in 60 Seconds

You’re in a conversation and someone says, “Pro-lifers just want to force their religious views on everyone else. They don’t really have a good reason to oppose abortion.” What would you say? Dismissing opposition to abortion as religious ideology is intellectually lazy. There are rational arguments against abortion, and those who oppose abortion make them

My Vote Won’t Make a Difference

You’re in a conversation and someone says, “My vote doesn’t make a difference, so I’m not voting.” What would you say? 137 million people voted in the 2016 election. That’s a lot of people. One vote, out of 137 million, doesn’t seem likely to make a difference, does it? But is that a good reason

Why Vote?

You’re in a conversation and someone says, “Why vote? Politics are ugly, and God is sovereign no matter who is in office.” What would you say? It’s true that God is always in charge. Scripture is clear that nothing can ultimately derail God’s plan. But does that mean we don’t need to care about what

Late Term Abortion – Helping Women?

You’re in a conversation and someone says, “Late-term abortions are rare and only done when the mother’s life is at risk. If we limit late-term abortions, we’ll only be hurting women.   What would you say?   Abortion-advocacy groups often claim that late-term abortions are exceedingly rare. In fact, since 91 percent of all abortions

I Don’t Like Abortion, but Should it be Illegal?

You’re in a conversation and someone says, “I don’t like abortion but I don’t think we should make it illegal. We shouldn’t use the federal government to impose our beliefs on others.” What would you say? Many people say they don’t “like” abortion, but they don’t think it should be illegal. It’s important to realize

Capitalism Only Benefits the Rich?

You’re in a conversation and someone says, “Capitalism only benefits the rich, not the middle or lower classes. And when the rich get richer, the poor get poorer.” What would you say? Though people have different ideas of what capitalism means, Merriam-Webster’s dictionary defines it as “an economic system characterized by private or corporate ownership

Porn is Victimless?

You’re in a conversation and someone says, “You may not like porn, but it’s just victimless entertainment.” What would you say? The next time someone says porn is victimless, remember these three things. First, porn builds tolerance for violence toward women: Porn encourages men to be less troubled by sexual violence and more likely to

Do the Crusades Prove That Christianity Is a Violent Religion?

You’re in a conversation and someone says, “The Crusades prove that Christianity is actually a violent religion.” What would you say? Even though the Crusades happened over 800 years ago, they’re often used as an objection to Christianity. However, the people who use the Crusades as an argument against Christianity often don’t know what actually

Save the Planet. Don’t Have Kids.

You’re in a conversation and someone says, “We need to stop having so many kids. Otherwise, we’re going to use up all the earth’s resources and destroy the planet.” What would you say? With so much news about global warming, global pandemics, and starvation in the developing part of the world, it’s easy to get

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